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At Pantaenius, one of the most common claims we see is for boat collisions. While some incidents only leave a bit of damage to the paint work or a bent rail to deal with, others result in severe damage to the hull and rig, total losses, injuries and even the death of crew members. The sad truth is many of these accidents could have been prevented or the damage greatly reduced with some extra awareness and caution.

In the spirit of noforeignland, let’s start a discussion on this topic, sharing information respectfully to pool our collective knowledge for the benefit of the cruising community.

Understanding common collision risks

Boating collisions can happen in a number of different ways, but among the most common types we see are collisions with other boats, marina and docking incidents, and hitting submerged objects.

Other vessels

There are many root causes for two (or more) vessels colliding, including poor visibility, miscommunication, the skipper’s inexperience or something as simple as not paying proper attention to the surroundings. It’s not just when you’re out sailing either. Vessel collisions happen in anchorages as well, where improperly set anchors and poorly maintained mooring balls have caused their fair share of problems.

Marina mishaps

Docking in a marina can be stressful and technically tricky, especially when tight spaces, unfamiliar docks and crosswinds are involved. Rushed maneuvers can result in scrapes, bumps or worse, with inexperience and panic often compounding the problem.

Submerged objects

Unlike driving on the road, you can’t always see what’s in your path while skippering a boat. Unexpected rocks and reefs can quickly turn a leisurely sail into an emergency, while hitting logs and other ocean debris can result in costly repairs.

The importance of knowledge and experience

It’s important to remember that every skipper out on the water is in a different stage of their boating journey. Some are experienced sailors who employ collision avoidance tactics without even thinking about it, while others are newbies still trying to get the hang of captaining a boat.

Keep in mind that just because someone has a boat license doesn’t mean they are capable of expertly handling a vessel either, it just means they have the legal licence to do so. In some countries this license can be obtained with little more than a multiple choice quiz, which means they may not have the knowledge or experience to react appropriately to adverse conditions. Sharing knowledge can help remedy this.

Ultimately the key to avoiding collisions is to try to prevent yourself from being in that situation in the first place, and knowing best practices can help with this.

Best practices for collision prevention

Most accidents come down to inexperience, distraction, excessive speed, or a failure to follow proper navigation rules. The good news? Every one of these risks can be reduced with the right approach.

1. Slow down and plan your approach

Boats don’t have brakes to stop their momentum, and last second maneuvers often make things worse. When entering marinas, anchorages, or tight spaces it’s best to have a plan in mind and make sure your crew knows what it is. A quick crew meeting before starting is a good way to ensure everyone is on the same page and knows what their role is.

As you navigate in, keep your speed low and movements deliberate. If you need to stop quickly, shift into neutral then reverse gently to counteract the forward motion; panicking and hammering into reverse at high RPMs can damage your gearbox and the last thing you need in this situation is an engine problem.

2. Teach your guests

If you have guests aboard, give them a quick rundown before setting off. Where should they stand during docking and anchoring? How can they assist without getting in the way? Remind them not to needlessly distract the skipper and never to place their hands or feet between the boat and a dock or another vessel; they may not realize how easy it is to get hurt doing it!

3. Zoom in on digital charts

It sounds so simple but many groundings and collisions with underwater hazards happen because skippers didn’t zoom in far enough on their electronic charts. Don’t rely on default settings, you want to adjust the zoom to catch those hidden obstacles before it’s too late.

4. Follow the COLREGs

The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) dictate important seafarer conventions including right-of-way, turning protocols, and signaling. Knowing these rules like the back of your hand ensures smoother, safer interactions with other vessels, especially if you’re sailing internationally where language barriers may exist. Ignoring the COLREGs can not only lead to collisions, but also leave you legally responsible for any damage.

5. Be more aware at night

Night passages are inherently more high risk than day sailing, simply because of the lack of visibility. In terms of collision avoidance it’s best to avoid night passages altogether, especially if you’re new to boating. For liveaboard cruisers though that’s not always possible, especially if you’re sailing between countries and across oceans or seas, so maintaining an alert night watch with good communication between crew members is crucial.

Using technology to help avoid collisions

While you don’t want to rely solely on them, modern marine technology does offer a few tools that can enhance situational awareness and help prevent accidents at sea.

1. AIS (Automatic Identification System)

AIS transmits your boat’s position and movement while also displaying nearby vessels. Knowing where surrounding boats are in relation to you can help prevent close calls, especially in busy shipping lanes, at night or in poor visibility. Depending on the system you use, your display screen may also mark vessels whose AIS path and speed suggests a potential collision course with your boat, at which point you can monitor it more closely and follow the appropriate actions as per the COLREGs.

Some non-boat objects such as fishing net buoys, fish traps, uncrewed surface vessels and data buoys may also be fitted with AIS to help prevent collisions.

2. Radar

A well tuned radar system can help detect other boats, land masses, and even squalls long before they become an issue. In terms of collision avoidance this can be helpful when sailing at night, in foggy conditions and for detecting boats that aren’t fitted with AIS, such as small yachts, local fishing boats and weekend pleasure craft.

3. Forward looking sonar

An innovative option that’s not as mainstream as AIS or radar, forward looking sonars can scan the water ahead of your boat, detecting shallow spots, reefs, or other submerged dangers before you reach them. It’s something that may be worth considering if you’re planning to cruise in remote areas where the charts may not be accurate.

Group chats on NFL

It’s worth mentioning the new group chats feature on noforeignland, where cruisers can share questions, events and warnings on the map through public pins. The warnings option is a place where you can share temporary hazards spotted out on the water that could present a collision risk, like floating pallets, logs and other debris.

Permanent hazards, like sunken boats, low hanging power cables and submerged floats are marked by the community using the navigational warning icon.

While not everything is on the NFL map it’s still a handy resource to reference before you set sail, along with your charts, satellite imagery and cruising guides.

Final thoughts – A little caution goes a long way

Collisions can be a dangerous, stressful and costly experience that no skipper or crew wants to go through. Slowing down, educating your crew, using proper navigation techniques, and leveraging modern technology can help reduce your risk. Whether you’re docking in a tight marina or navigating offshore waters, staying alert and prepared can make all the difference.

If you have any personal collision avoidance tips or close call stories people can learn from, pop them in the comments – your experience might just help another sailor stay safe!


By Michaela Claes

Michaela Claes is an experienced yachtswoman, currently based in Sydney Australia where she likes to spend time cruising on her motor yacht Joan B. She is a senior executive with Pantaenius Insurance and offers expert insights into cruising in the Pacific, and managing the safety and wellbeing of boats in this region.

    One Comment

    • Richard Freeborn says:


      Another brilliant article.

      Even though I’ve spent much of my life at sea on yachts, I still learn something new from you.

      Looking forwards to seeing you in Sydney later this year.



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