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In this article we will look at how to choose a great banner image for your boat page.

Your banner image is the first picture that people see when they tap to open your boat page so choosing one that looks good matters.

What size photo works best?

The banner area at the top of your boat page is a wide and narrow, making the ideal dimensions for a banner image 820px by 250px. However, if the photo you choose is not a perfect fit, it will be cropped, top-and-bottom, as illustrated here:

This is one of our favorite photos of us sailing, but sadly the dimensions are not good for a banner image.

Add photos to your boat page

You can choose any of your boat photos as the banner image. So if you have not yet added any photos of your boat, then open your boat page (in our app or website), switch to the Photos tab, and press the red button to add some.

Set the banner photo

Now that you have some photos of your boat, you can choose one as your banner.

At the bottom of each image you will see an ellipsis button (3 dots inside a circle). Tap the ellipses button on the photo you want to be the banner and choose Set as banner from the menu.

That’s all there is to it. Now, whenever anyone views your boat page on our app or website, they will see the banner image you selected.

What style of photo works best?

Here are some common themes we have seen for boat page banners. We hope this helps you select your perfect photo.

A photo of a boat sailng is a popular choice:

A close up of your boat at anchor or in a marina showing the boat name is another popular theme:

Portraits of the crew are particularly popular among sailing families:

Logo art always looks good too.

By Helena Neal

Helena, and her husband Steve, have lived aboard their Hallberg Rassy 43 Amalia since 2014 and have sailed extensively in the Mediterranean and more recently the Caribbean, the east coast of the United States, and Central America.


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